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Record Details:
Direct Aid to Palestine [list of groups to donate to/work with]
Organization:Facility Type: Info/Hotline
Status: Open
, PS 00000
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This organization provides Temporary or Permanent Service? Temporary
from the website, 12-3-24
The creators of this document are not Palestinian. We created this document as a form of solidarity, and we have endeavoured to centre Palestinian voices within this toolkit.
Institutions within the settler colony of “australia” are becoming fearful of mass mobilisation, cross-coalitions, and resistance against state power and zionism. In response, white supremacy and the elite are systematically clamping down to silence all forms of Palestinian resistance.
Now, more than ever, we cannot slow down or falter in our solidarity with Palestinian liberation!
This website is an effort to collectivise calls to action from Palestinian activists and cross-solidarity movements both within so-called australia and internationally, as well as grassroots knowledge around safety, accessibility and community care. It features actions you can take from home and in the streets, information on protest rights, privacy and safety strategies, holding institutions accountable, mutual aid initiatives, Palestinian history, culture and arts, and more. The toolkit is constantly evolving, and we welcome your feedback.
Though it arises from an “australian” context, please share the toolkit widely wherever you are in the world. Action is most effective when sustained as long-term mobilisations that can proliferate across the violence of borders.
Our efforts are an invitation for you to push, from whatever angle you can reach, to obstruct the genocidal zionist machine. Write down your skills. Honour your body-mind’s capacity. Map your networks. Connect with a local group. Start your own group with friends. Every action matters and there is always more you can do. Use the toolkit actions as seeds to invent your own possibilities for resistance. To imagine projects and strategies that we have not attempted yet. To bring them to fruition.
Settler-colonial states manufacture and rely on our despair, paralysis, and compliance to perpetuate themselves. Their death-making power may seem overwhelmingly vast, but it is a power that feeds off our silence. In the face of these systems that deem certain bodies ungrievable and expendable, we must remember that our potential to sustain life multiplies exponentially when we fight together.
“In the name of revolutionary love, a love which fuels our struggle for liberation and yearning for freedom, rooted in our love for our communities and our land; we tell you, there is no pride with genocide, and there is no pride in settler-colonialism. Our pride can only come through true liberation for all, for us and for all the peoples fighting worldwide.”
– Queers in Palestine
Created At: Tue Dec 03 06:00:07 +0000 2024
Updated At: Tue Dec 03 06:00:07 +0000 2024
Updated By: tfri
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