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Record Details:

Siena/Francis House

Organization: Homeless Shelter
Facility Type: Shelter
Status: Open

1702 Nicholas Street
P.O. Box 217 - Downtown Station
Omaha, NE 68101


Main/General Business Number: Phone: 402-341-1821, FAX: 402-341-5270

Mission: From their website:

Serving the Omaha and Council Bluffs metropolitan area since 1975, Siena/Francis House creates an environment in which people can find the motivation needed to precipitate adult behavioral change, moving in small, manageable steps.

The first step is to get our guests off the streets. Next we encourage sobriety in our recovery program, a traditional 12 step recovery process. Then we move to training in social and job skills, education and self-esteem, and finally to independent living training in transitional housing.

The Siena/Francis House is unique in that it cultivates the kind of responsibility required for productive lives. A result of this initiative is that our shelter is run almost entirely by homeless people in recovery. It has proven to be an excellent motivating factor, with many guests in our wet shelter anxious to join our therapeutic community and acquire job skills and training, By daily interactions with people in the work/recovery program, guests who are still caught in the homelessness and addiction cycle can see clear evidence of the potential to regain control over their lives.

Our belief is that by finding value and untapped abilities in people society has overlooked, we help them find value in themselves. With education, job training, counseling, and peer mentoring, we hope to furnish the tools that help residents recover from the primary problems that brought them to the doors of the emergency shelter, reducing recidivism rates among the population served. The primary goal of the Siena/Francis House is to work towards successfully ending the homeless cycle rather than providing only short-term, stop-gap treatments.

This organization provides Temporary or Permanent Service? Temporary


See website for email addresses for individual staff:
Mike Saklar, Executive Director
Debbie Thompson Homeless Management Information Systems database
Irene Tryon Homeless Management Information Systems database Email

Shelter Operations:
James Hayes, Francis House Manager Contact for men's shelter
Patty Cunningham, Siena House Guest Manager Contact for women's shelter
David Kjeldgaard, Procurement Manager Inkind Donations Email
Kyle Templeton, Maintenance Manager Email

Counseling - Miracles Treatment Center:
Bill Keck, Miracles Treatment Center Director
Frank Bailey, Senior Chemical Dependency Counselor
Tory Stafford, Women's Treatment Center Coordinator & Counselor Contact
Brian Brown, Day Program Outreach Counselor
Jason Reid, Men's Treatment Center Coordinator & Counselor Contact

Day Services:
Rod Bauer Day Services Director


- Men's Shelter
- Women's Shelter

Exercising a policy of unconditional acceptance, the Siena/Francis House is dedicated to providing services to all individuals who are without a home, including those viewed as difficult to serve, chronically addicted and mentally ill individuals who are not currently receiving treatment or taking medication.

- Food & Nourishment

Siena/Francis House provides approximately 900 meals per day over the course of one year with an annual food budget of about $200. In order for this to be possible, the donations and dedication of many individuals is a constant need. Last year we served over 331,000 meals.

- Clothing

In an average year, Siena/Francis House will provide over 20 tons of clothing to its guests. During an abnormally hard winter, this number will go up substantially, creating a greater need for this basic necessity of life.

- Recovery

Approximately 15% of all individuals entering the dependency and addiction program at Siena/Francis House remain drug free. This is roughly the same percentage of success enjoyed by nationally known dependency treatment programs.

- Education

Beyond providing food, shelter, and clothing. Siena/Francis House is dedicated to providing a means of education to our guests. This helps to break the cycle of homelessness.

- Job Training

Siena/Francis House provides fundamental job training. This includes training in interview skills as well as actual job training. As part of the continual job training, guests learn necessary skills by working at the house in many different capacities.

- Medical

Siena/Francis House provides medical services for its guests with the help of volunteer doctors and nurses. This provision is unconditional, and over the course of a year, the positive impact that this has on Siena/Francis guests is immeasurable.

Normal, "non-disaster time" needs:
They also usually need soup kitchen volunteers. See website for details. Call first to see if they still need volunteers.
Terra (6/14/08): Needs info is from the website. Call for current needs list.

Info Source/Changes:
corrected org/removed C&C avails
(see full history)

Created At: Sat Jun 14 03:44:39 +0000 2008
Updated At: Mon Dec 29 03:43:38 +0000 2008
Updated By: LTel

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Show Need Matches Show Availability Matches
Qty/Urgency Editor Quick Need Creator Quick Availability Creator

Load Legend: Rejected Problem Offered Accepted/Committed Ready To Ship En Route Arrived Unloaded

Item Qty Needed Urgency Load
* KITS, TOILETRY KIT w/Towel Needed Average Show Edit
* KITS, TOILETRY/COMFORT KIT, NEW Items ONLY Needed Average Show Edit
Counseling, Crisis Counseling, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Distribution, Distribution Center, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Financial Assistance, ** Financial Assistance (ANY/ALL Types) Needed Average Show Edit
Food, Non-Perishable Food * (ANY/ALL Types of Canned, Dry, Drinks, Snacks) Needed Average Show Edit
Kitchen Assistant, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Kitchen, Dining Room Assistant, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Kitchen, Volunteers * (ANY/ALL Types) Needed Average Show Edit
Meal Delivery, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Meal Preparation & Delivery, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Meal Preparation, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Meal Server, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Shelter, Battered Womens Shelter, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Shelter, Evacuation Shelter, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Shelter, Homeless Shelter, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Shelter, Special Needs Shelter, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Social Worker, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
Sorter, Donations Sorter, Volunteers Needed Average Show Edit
Toiletries * (ANY/ALL Types) Needed Average Show Edit
Toiletries, Personal Hygiene Products * (ANY/ALL Types) Needed Average Show Edit
Volunteers, Elder/Senior Volunteers (This facility accomodates Elder Volunteers) Needed Average Show Edit
Volunteers, Groups of Volunteers (This facility accomodates Groups of Volunteers) Needed Average Show Edit
Volunteers, Individual Volunteers (This facility accomodates Individuals Volunteers) Needed Average Show Edit
Volunteers, Misc. * (ANY/ALL Types) Needed Average Show Edit
Volunteers, Teen Volunteers (This facility accomodates Teen Volunteers) Needed Average Show Edit
Volunteers, Youth Volunteers (This facility accomodates Youth Volunteers) Needed Average Show Edit
Warehouse, Donations Sorter/Organizer, Volunteer Needed Average Show Edit
*conditions with notes
New Need


Item Qty Available Load
Advocacy, * (ANY/ALL Types) Avail Show Edit
Advocacy, Battered Women Avail Show Edit
Advocacy, Health & Human Rights Avail Show Edit
Assistance * (ANY Type of: Referrals or "How to" Assistance) Avail Show Edit
Assistance, Referrals, Case Management Referrals Avail Show Edit
Assistance, Referrals, Housing, Housing Resource Referrals Avail Show Edit
Case Management, * (Providers of ANY Type of Case Management) Avail Show Edit
Case Management, Homeless Avail Show Edit
Case Management, Long-Term Case Management Avail Show Edit
Case Management, Low Income (Individuals/Families) Avail Show Edit
Clothing, All Sizes, New or Gently Used * (ANY/ALL Types) Avail Show Edit
Command & Control, Housing/Shelter Unit (OPEN/STANDBY) Avail Show Edit
Counseling, Crisis Counseling Avail Show Edit
Counseling, Crisis Intervention Counseling Avail Show Edit
Counseling, Nutritional Counseling Avail Show Edit
Counseling, Post Disaster Counseling Avail Show Edit
Counseling, Support Group (Post Disaster) Avail Show Edit
Counseling, Trauma Counseling Services Avail Show Edit
Demographic Served: Low Income Folks Avail Show Edit
Demographic Served: Homeless Avail Show Edit
Distribution * (ANY/ALL Types) Avail Show Edit
Distribution, Clothing Distribution (To the Public) Avail Show Edit
Distribution, Supplies, Local Distribution of Supplies Avail Show Edit
Donations, In-Kind Donation, Services Avail Show Edit
Donations, In-Kind Donations Services, Small Lots Avail Show Edit
Facility: Food, Emergency Food Center Avail Show Edit
Food Distribution, Emergency/Disaster Food Distribution Avail Show Edit
Food Distribution, Meals, Soup Kitchen Avail Show Edit
Food, Distribution, Emergency Food Program Avail Show Edit
Hotline * (ANY/ALL Types) Avail Show Edit
Hotline, Crisis Hotline Avail Show Edit
Hotline, Donation Management Hotline Avail Show Edit
Hotline, Shelter Hotline (Find Help) Avail Show Edit
Hotline, Shelter, Evacuation/Shelter Information & Updates Avail Show Edit
Housing, Group Home, Special Needs/Mental Illness Avail Show Edit
Housing, Recovery House (For Substance Abuse Treatment) Avail Show Edit
Housing, Residential Group Shelter Home, Housing Avail Show Edit
Housing, Transitional Housing Avail Show Edit
Housing, Transitional Housing (For Battered Women/Children) Avail Show Edit
Information Resource * (ANY/ALL Types) Avail Show Edit
Meals * (ANY/ALL Types) Avail Show Edit
Meals, Breakfast Avail Show Edit
Meals, Congregate Feeding, Meals Avail Show Edit
Meals, Dinner Avail Show Edit
Meals, For Homeless Residents Avail Show Edit
Meals, Hot Meals Avail Show Edit
Meals, Lunches (Hot) Avail Show Edit
Medical, Services, Rehabilitation Program Avail Show Edit
Mental Health, Counselors/Psychologists Avail Show Edit
Needs Listings Avail Show Edit
Services *0* (Choose this if You Provide or Need ANY Type of Social Services) Avail Show Edit
Services, Domestic Violence Intervention Services Avail Show Edit
Services, Emergency Services Avail Show Edit
Services, Employment, Job Assistance, for "at-risk" Job Applicants Avail Show Edit
Services, for ex-addicts Avail Show Edit
Services, Homeless, Services for the Homeless Avail Show Edit
Services, Substance Abuse Treatment (Drug/Alcohology) Avail Show Edit
Services, Substance Abuse, Intervention Services Avail Show Edit
Services, Substance Abuse, Outpatient Program (Drug/Alcohol) Avail Show Edit
Services, Substance Abuse, Residential Program (Drug/Alcohol) Avail Show Edit
Shelter * (ANY/ALL Types) Avail Show Edit
Shelter, Day Shelter Avail Show Edit
Shelter, Emergency Shelter Avail Show Edit
Shelter, Evacuation, Special Needs Evacuation Shelter Avail Show Edit
Shelter, Homeless Shelter Avail Show Edit
Shelter, Homeless, Mens Homeless Shelter Avail Show Edit
Shelter, Women's Shelter Avail Show Edit
Shelter, Womens, Battered Womens Shelter Avail Show Edit
Support for Named Disaster: Homelessness Relief Services Avail Show Edit
Training * (ANY/ALL Types of Instruction) Avail Show Edit
Training Classes, Business Skills Avail Show Edit
Training Classes, Computer Lab Avail Show Edit
Training Classes, Computers Skills Avail Show Edit
Training Classes, Education, Nutrition Education Classes Avail Show Edit
Training Classes, Life Skills, Misc. Avail Show Edit
Training Classes, Resume Writing, Interview Skills Avail Show Edit
Training, Services, Employment /JobTraining Avail Show Edit
Volunteer Opportunities, In General * (ANY/ALL Types) Avail Show Edit
Warehouse, Warehouse Space Avail Show Edit
*conditions with notes
New Availability

Incoming Loads:

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Outgoing Loads:
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